Hello everybody welcome to my blog. Today I am going to make Smart Dustbin powered by Arduino. making the smart dustbin is so easy. But the main task is coding and uploading it on board.
Without writing much I am going to make you know the procedure.
Without writing much I am going to make you know the procedure.
2.HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module
4.A small dustbin with hinged lid
5.Servo Motor
6.5V power Supply
5.Servo Motor
6.5V power Supply
1.Arduino IDE
1.Download the Arduino code from below link
2.Plug the Arduino Board to PC and upload the code Using Arduino IDE.
3.After Uploading the code Connect the servo motor and sensor to arduino board according to the circuit diagram given below:
4.After Connecting Come to the dustbin part.
5.Take Servo motor and Glue a pen on it:
6.Stick the servo to dustbin according to the picture:
7.Now Attach the sensor in the top of Dustbin
8.Now put all things in organised manner like this:
9.Now power the board.
10. Your Smart Dustbin Is ready.